I’m very sick

I’m very sick and have been for six years.

No, this post is not about a hike or an adventure outdoors. I wish it was. This is about something I’ve been going through for a very long time, and I’m ready to share my story.

Our longtime readers may remember when I got shingles on the Appalachian Trail in 2013. Well, I never regained my health. Since then and still to this day, I’ve seen dozens of doctors spanning the entire country, from New York City to Palo Alto.

Debilitating fatigue is my main symptom. Headaches, neck pain, buzzing sensations, poor sleep, muscle and joint pain, chemical and mold sensitivity, and other unpleasantries occur daily. My blood work always comes back near normal. Doctors are stumped.

The first round of medical professionals tended to arrive at simple conclusions. During sub-10 minute appointments, some told me to wait it out. Others told me to drink more water, to take extra vitamin D, or implied that depression was the cause of my problems. I’m frustrated, but definitely not depressed. Some doctors admitted they didn’t know what was wrong and sent me to specialists. I had to wait over six months for an appointment with some of these experts, but even they were unable to help.

My energy level remained low. It was stuck at 35% of normal.